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Re:Posted by Jane on May 19, 2004 at 16:44:26: In reply to: Re: posted by Tara on May 19, 2004 at 16:29:36: You might try your next mix without henna. Since you already havethe henna in your hair and are not needing more orange/red tones, you could just apply the other dyes on top of your henna'd hair. : It's ok and all. My dh and boys all say they like it. I guess I'm : like you...I've yet to convince myself this is IT LOL Must keep : mixing and work toward some plumy tones. Just can't stop til I've : tried these few things in my head. If they don't work, they don't : work. At least I'll know. But can't stop til I've seen for myself. : Even if folks do tell me a million times..henna = orange/red LOL : Yeah, I have a stubborn streak in me as well. : : As far as international shipping...I'll check into that for ya. My : site isn't currently set up to calculate the shipping for such, but : I'll work it up for you if interested. : Thanks for lookin' by the way ;-) : : ~Tara~ : : : : Hey Tara! : : Well, I haven't got a clue about blueberries, but I wanted to talk : to : : you, lol. : : How is the hair a few days later? Are you liking it? How does the : : family like it? You are talking about the next mix so I'm : wondering : : if that means you're not overjoyed... : : I just posted in Kim (from MI)'s thread about the guinea pig. I'm : : starting to give up on getting henna to go towards blue. I've been : : doing a load of strand tests the last week (I had been saving : : henna'ed hair for over a month since I last did it)and mixes with : : indigo, mixes from Logona in "shades" and no less than 3 different : : types of body art henna from Henna Spirit and my usual wine/clove : mix : : and its almost comical how they're all coming out pretty much the : : same: ORANGEY RED. hee hee. Oh well. I guess I had to get it out : of : : my system and truly convince myself of what everyone here has been : : saying: you get some form of orangey red. LOL. Stubborn git that I : am. : : On the subject of blueberries, they are outrageously expensive : here : : so I wouldn't just buy them to experiment, but I would just stew : them : : in a small amount of water like I would do with fresh cranberries : to : : make a sauce. You should get a very concentrated juice (although : : quantity may be small I don't see why you should need to try any : : dubious additives. Of course lemon juice is good with cooking most : : fruits and we all know lemon juice is our friend, so maybe throw : some : : in?! : : Oh and btw, don't know how I missed it before, but just visited : your : : site! Only browsed so far but do you do international deliveries? : : Everything looks so yummy!
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