goosepoop tonight
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Posted by Natasha on June 7, 2004 at 21:14:13:
My husband is the sweetest man with no IDEA of how his words can
sometimes come out... we were in a romantic mood...and he was playing
with my hair...and suddenly he asked, "Did you know you have a huge
patch of grey back here?" "Um, no...I just hennaed a few weeks
ago..." He went on:"It's really spectacular, you must have missed
this spot because it's almost all grey; I didn't know you had so much
grey hair; you have more grey hair than I do..." "Thanks, honey..."
Just got to love him...and so now I'm going to try to get that patch
I missed, and generally spruce up the rest of the color. I'm
thinking of adding some tumeric to add some blond highlights for the
summer. We;ll see how it goes...
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