My henna-ed hair
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Posted by intensity_too on July 15, 2004 at 21:15:16:

I used 100g of body art quality henna from Catherine. I mixed that
with enough lemon juice to form a paste. I also threw in some ground
cloves. I'm not sure the amount . . . I just took the container and
dumped it in. I let that sit in a plastic bag on top of the fridge
for 12 hours. In the morning I slathered it on. The paste was too
thick so I added a cup of plum juice to thin the consistancy but
still found it too thick once in the bathroom so I added maybe 1/2 a
cup of water until it was managable. I left the henna on my hair for
7 1/2 hours and then rinsed with globs of conditioner and used a wide
toothed comb to get the chunks out.
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