Re: How Often

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Posted by Tara on August 2, 2004 at 14:00:04:

In reply to: How Often posted by Amy on August 1, 2004 at 10:33:37:

I've hennaed 3 times now. The second round was around 3 weeks after
the first. Then this third time was 6 or 7 weeks later. Why do I
henna? Well, I started because I just thought it'd be cool ;)
Something fun, something different. I have dark brown hair and often
get bored w/it. A few years ago I tried to go to a lighter brown but
never did achieve what I was wanting. So, since then, have grown all
the nastiness out and cut it off. I was ready to have some fun
again. But wasn't exactly rushing to chemically treat my hair. Then
I got turned onto henna. Thought, sure, that'll work. Sounds good to
me. Not that I've ever had any desire to be a red head, but w/as
dark asmy starting color is..I was confident I wasnt going to end up
Lucille Ball or anything ;) So I did a few tests and was hooked!!
Then I did my first full henna..and oh my goodness!! I love my hair
now! I have never been able to say that. It's always been a bit
unruly, I never had 'cool hair' I've always had issues w/tangles if
my hair was near shoulder length or longer. But now, w/henna..none
of those issues. My hair is always soft and shiney, feels great! I
no longer feel the need to wash every other day. I do well to get in
2 washes a week right now. I honestly wouldn't mind getting down to
a set one day a week washing. I have 'cool hair' now LOL
So, yes, I'm officially and totally hooked now. I'm figuring I'll
henna about every 6-8 weeks. Unless I decide I am in love w/the
current color and don't want to add to which case...cassia
obovata here I come, must have those conditioning qualities ;)

So, uh, there's my book. Yes I'm adult conversation deprived today

: Hi Everybody.....
: I'm using Henna on my hair to have fun (I've never colored my hair
: before and have only use a perm once over 20 years ago.)
: So color does not matter much although I would love for my gray
: to be a darker red/brown......soooo I'm having fun and plus I hear
: that henna conditions the hair well. And my hair is very soft
: my first henna.
: How often do you all put henna in your hair and why do you henna
: hair.


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