The other thing is

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Posted by Elettaria on August 5, 2004 at 19:21:42:

In reply to: Re: Is it possible to get bright, dark, unnatural reds with henna? posted by I've been browsing the mixes and am very interested! I just thought... on August 4, 2004 at 22:50:41:

Bleach and henna isn't the best combination. Provided it's good
quality henna and doesn't have any adulterants (metallic salts such as
sodium picramate being the main culprits), you shouldn't get really
nasty reactions such as hair going green or melting. But the colour
is more likely to turn orange, and if it's bleached you won't get that
lovely natural variation in colour that you get with henna over hair
that's not chemically treated. Also, having to keep lightening the
roots as well as hennaing would be a right pain. I reckon you're
better off biting the bullet and putting up with two-toned hair while
it grows out. (I don't know a thing about stripping colour, does
anyone else?) How long is your hair? I've had two-tone hair for the
last four years while I've been growing out the henna, and it was far
less noticeable than I'd expected.


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