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Re: still trying with the pic, but need to know can you lighten over henna?Posted by valerie on August 27, 2004 at 11:19:59: In reply to: Re: still trying with the pic, but need to know can you lighten over henna? posted by Tracey on August 26, 2004 at 23:57:17: : : : I had used the bleach/peroxide long after my last henna.: : : Unfortunately, I DID notice a difference in shine/softness on : the : : : parts I lightened...they felt like the hair I used to have when : I : : : was dying it monthly, pre-henna - hay-like. I have since hennaed : a : : : bunch of times to restore the softness and shine to those : damaged : : : bits, and they still show as a lighter orangy shade against the : : dark : : : auburn of the rest of my hair. : : : I still plan on lightening again, but next time it will be with : a : : : highlight cap, so it'll be just little strands throughout - and : not : : : my bangs, which tend to be frizzier than the rest of my head. I : : plan : : : on using cassia obovate, so-called neutral henna, which will : : : condition like henna, but not dye the highlights. : : : : : : : : : : : I'm not sure I understand what you want to do, but I know : : : firsthand : : : : : that you CAN lighten hennaed hair... : : : : : You can lighten hennaed hair, henna lightened hair, etc...as : : : long : : : : as : : : : : you've used pure henna with no metallic salts/chemicals that : : may : : : : : interacts with the bleach and/or peroxide, and as long as : : you've : : : : : done a test first - ALWAYS DO A STRAND TEST FIRST!! : : : : : Check out my pix in mixes section, linked below, I used : : peroxide : : : : and : : : : : bleach to lighten my hennaed hair. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Well sorry so far I havnt been able to figure this out, : even : : : : with : : : : : : your directions Catherine, which I thank you for by the : way. : : I : : : : : will : : : : : : send it when I finally figure it out. Anyway I have quite : a : : : root : : : : : line : : : : : : and would like to lift the color up a bit. Is it safe to : use : : a : : : : : mild : : : : : : lightener like sun in for instance on the roots over the : : : henna? : : : : : : Because in order to get it red, my hair needs to be : lightened : : : a : : : : : bit, : : : : : : but am afraid of lightening over henna does anyone know if : : : this : : : : is : : : : : : ok? Thanks, Valerie : : : : I just viewed your pics wow even though you use all that : bleach : : : and : : : : other colors your hair looks really healthy. Do you do the : bleach : : : and : : : : the henna on the same day? Or bleach and let it rest before : : henna? : : : : Valerie : : : : Hi Tracey : : Yes I know that the bleached parts of my hair are not as nice : feeling : : as the unbleached parts, I figured I would just let it get longer, : : and eventually start cutting that part away in a chin length layer : : until its eventually gone, but in the meantime in order to keep it : : from looking so stark at the rootline, just do a moderate : lightening : : process to lift the color a bit you know like maybe leave the : bleach : : on only 30 minutes (just highlights though not all of it) that way : it : : wont be so bleach damaged. I cant believe how dark my natural hair : : color has gone, as a child I had light blonde hair. Now its dark : : brown. Also did you notice the henna starts to condition the : bleached : : parts after a while? : : Valerie : : Yes, I was getting fed up of how snarly and frizzy (and icky- : feeling) the bleached bits were and just bombarded my head with : henna 3 times in 2 weeks, and it's easing up the damage I caused. : What colour is the rest of your hair, compared with your roots? : Instead of lightening, which will eventually show when more new : growth happens, why not henna your hair A LOT, maybe adding indigo : to darken, just to even it all out - the lighter parts will darken, : with enough hennaing. Hi Tracey I just conditioned with rosemary and coconut oil this morning (took 3 soapings to get it out!) And I was thinking, how I really really dont want to go back to chemicals at all. And thought maybe I would try some herbs to lift the color a shade or two to help even things out. like chamomile/rhubarb and a bit of lemon juice. I think I read that the indigo mixed with bleach would cause a greenish case.. I am so happy to know the henna will eventually darken the bleached parts because not only did the bleach do its thing but the sun over the bleach really went light! My hair is a med to dark brown on its own now, but does tend to lighten very well. Im also glad to hear you say how the henna will heal the damage caused by the bleaching. Someone else on this site mentioned the same thing, the more I hear that the happier I am. Initially I was afraid that by henna-ing I would be adding insult to injury over the bleach so glad thats not the case. Henna is awesome!:)Though I have to say that the henna over the bleach part is quite radical looking, and a lot of people stare and look amused lol. Its a bit hard to get used to yet at the same time, I dont care :)) I like it even if they dont!
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