Re: BritspeakPosted by Katherine on September 4, 2004 at 23:29:00: In reply to: Re: Britspeak posted by CorriRose on September 4, 2004 at 22:54:46: : : : First, I've used Mountain Light....I hate it. It dried out my: hair, : : : just looked awful. : : : : : : Now have bulk henna (1 kilo) but don't remember where it's from. : My : : : question(s) the Mountain Light henna instructions say "Never use : a : : : metal bowl or metal instruments..." but they don't say : why...does : : : anyone know? : : : : : : Second, I've noticed many people add natural oil to their : : : mixtures..why? : : : : : : Third....I used vinegar (white) in my mixture this last time. As : it : : : dried, it formed little "balls" which, when I uncovered it from : the : : : plastic, jumped all around my shampooing area like little : greenish : : : Smurfs. The results are beautiful, but am wondering if it will : : : last, and why it turned into henna-hail? : : : : : : Also, my dear "Brit-sisters"...(well, we're sisters in henna ;) ) : I : : : loved the description "Indigo made my hair smarmy" a not- : hip- : : : American, what does smarmy exactly mean. I saw the results, but : : : didn't know if what I saw was "smarmy" I thought the pictures : were : : : pretty. : : : : HI, CorriRose and autumn - I'm a transplanted Brit [the roots : didn't : : take too well] and vegetarian, who devoutly thanks God/ess for : : Chinese and Indian restaurants, so no wonder you find such : culinary : : delights as Toad-in-the-hole and Spotted Dick rather scary! : : Considering that in Iraq, people said 'thanks, but no thanks' when : : the Brit troops offered to share their rations... . 'Smarmy' often : : refers to a person's character, and means sticky, greasy, and : : generally unpleasant, so it could apply in that way to hair as : well. - : : btw - I scrolled down to find the post you meant but must have : missed : : it...? : : Re: The link...I wish I could find it. I followed a link (don't : remember which link) that clarified which person was which. One : woman had short hair, the other long....the girl with the long hair : henna'd then used indigo. The girl with the shorter hair henna'd, : left it, and is contiplating using indigo. So sorry I'm bad at : remembering names. If I fall upon it, I'll post. Thank you for the : explanation of "smarmy". Politically speaking (off the record) : those who rejected British aid in "The War on Terror" are smarmy, : for sure. This is just my opinion, not meant to sway from the lovely : henna forum :) Thank you - that was enough for me to find that what you were referring to was Loretta and Lelia's experiences, in the Mixes section. There, it seems that 'smarmy' was being used quite differently than we [my lot, anyway] use it, and indicated one woman's displeasure with the effects of straight indigo on her hair - it left it rather lustreless. Language is alive, so new meanings, especially in argot or slang, are always being created, and so I have an additional use now for 'smarmy' - to think I used to apply it just to nasty, sucky, backstabbing people, and now I can say it about bad hair!! :D
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