Re: Help Please... for lurking 1st time poster!

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Posted by valerie  on September 16, 2004 at 15:54:17:

In reply to: Help Please... for lurking 1st time poster! posted by Tee on September 16, 2004 at 14:07:03:

: Hi Catherine and all the other Henna users!
: First of all Catherine, thank you for your gorgeous (sp?) site!
: Educating people about the dangers of synthetic hair color, and
: the beauty and variety that Natural henna can provide.
: And thank you, to the posters sharing their inspiring pics and
: recipes.
: I have been lurking on and off for months, trying to muster up the
: nerve to henna. I am pretty desperate, as up until a couple of
: years ago, I always had good healthy hair and was happy with
: my virgin color. My mother was a hairstylist and colorist. I grew
: up playing in hair salons, and customers would say I want that
: color (meaning mine) and my mother would laugh, and say
: "Yeah right?!"
: A little history on my virgin color. I was born platinum, but as I
: grew up (up North with little sun most of the year) I had very
: Reddish-Brown hair, Not a Browned-Red as in Auburn, but
: Reddish Brown (Brown with allover strong red glints) In outdoor
: pics in the sun, it looked Auburn. My grandfather was a true
: Carrot, I guess I got some red gene!
: I moved to Florida, and my hair was lightened (a lot!) by the sun,
: beachy, surfer style. Depending on the length: Reddish brown
: roots, more Auburn in the middle and strawberry ends. If very
: long, the ends would be platinum . With several of the top curls
: quite light. This was a gradual, natural, ombred effect. of
: (but not dark) to lighter. But I have always taken good care of
: hair, and it was not fried, but soft and very curly! Even though
: is usually damaging.
: A few years ago, I became very ill, and lost about 75% of my hair.
: What had not fallen, was crispy, dull thin and sparse and
: reflected (as you probably can imagine) signs of my illness.
: People I had not seen in a long time were shocked, although
: they said nothing, I could see them looking at my hair. This has
: been so horrific, it was my true crowning glory.
: My illness is being controlled now. Some of the hair came back
: (very little, I am still showing scalp in some areas, with overall
: major thinness) what did come back...came back not just dark in
: the roots...but less than half the hair I had previously. It is
flat in
: color in the roots, with No red at all. But the rest of the strand
: reddish-reddish blonde. This makes my hair look like damaged
: dyed (bleached) hair that is growing out, from ash brown hair.
: Especially since I have thick brown eyebrows (go figure)
: Here is my dilemna. Your site has really educated me. I really
: want to try to not only bring (via henna) some health and vibrancy
: back to my hair, but I want to try to blend the grey, and maybe
: redden the roots (some).
: Although my hair is not dyed/bleached it is sun lightened and I
: am anticipating uneven "grabbing" of colour if I apply henna all
: over at once. I am not looking for a Lucille Ball Red (although
: hennaed hair in that color can be gorgeous) at this time I do not
: wish to draw such attention to a head with scalp showing. My
: main objection at this time, is to bring health back to my hair
: Hopefully I will get more growth back. Maybe later, if that
: happens I will become more daring, and take that true carrott
: plunge!.
: Can you give me your opinion of my plan??? I want the lightest
: most strawberry red glint as possible (closest to my previous
: healthy hair color as possible)
: 1) I want to put henna in the roots first, as in a double process/
: touch up dye job. To first redden up the flat, ash color new
: growth, and blend the new grey growth, that is interspersed with
: that new ash color. Maybe a couple of hours, so I know it will
: take.
: 2) wash it out
: here is where I am lost, if I should allow it to dry, see what
: happed...or proceed to step 3.
: 3) Then apply a blend of henna with something conditioning
: mixed in (to do an almost, but not quite "No color" maybe mayo,
: or something that is healthy, but to put some glints on the rest
: the strand that match the root.
: Because the henna red will not match my own natural paler
: strawberry, I will need to add a little red (not a lot) to mine to
: it consistent, but I do not think I want to do the entire head for
: long as the roots. Does this make sense?????
: Catherine I read somewhere on your site that henna with mayo
: brings shine, but no color. maybe I can do a mixture like that with
: more henna, less mayo, to bring "some: but very subtle color to
: the rest of the strand. Or maybe the mayo nuetralizes the color.
: Maybe you have suggestions about what to mix henna with to
: pale it down, to just give glints???
: As I mentioned I grew up in hair salons...I think even though the
: tecnique for henna is usually to do it all at once, I think I may
: able to do a roots first tecnique for what my special hair needs
: are. What do you think?
: Please Help. Any and all input is welcomed. And any recipes for
: the lightest strawberry glints you may have gotten is welcomed
: as well.
: Thanx-ahead-of-time!
: Love & Light, Tee

Hi Tee,
I am pretty new here myself so will leave the henna advice to the
ones who here who know far more than I do. But I did want to pass on
some information that was posted on here a while back. I just looked
for it but can't find it yet, but it was concerning your hair
condition. Someone posted a recipe using essential oils to restore
the growth and health of your hair. It was taken from a book called
160 natural remedies. I remember nearly all the ingredients (maybe
even all of them) it goes something like this...
in a carrier oil of Jojoba, mix aproximately 5 drops each of
lavendar, rosemary, cedarwood, ylang ylang, darn it I think there is
one more. Anyway the recipe is on here somewhere. I will keep
looking. It is said to have grown the hair back fast and furious.
(sounds good to me :)I just thought maybe it might help restore your
gorgeous hair :)


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