Re: I'm being a namby-pamby wimp...please help me!Posted by valerie on September 20, 2004 at 19:18:18: In reply to: I'm being a namby-pamby wimp...please help me! posted by krazeedr on September 20, 2004 at 18:53:39: : First off, let me state I CAN'T WAIT to do my hair (and am planningon : doing it this weekend). Second, I have done a number of hairball and : strand tests and all have come out wonderfully!! Third, I am a GIANT : weenie and am wondering ( and I know it will not REALLY happen but...) : what if my hair were to turn frog butt ugly ass green? Would there be : anything to do about it? I find that coddling my neuroses and having : answers to most questions (even the stupid ones) keeps me from going : totally around the bend and needing my own medications. : : Thank you so much for any info and I'm sorry for asking a repeat : question that I'm sure has been answered a number of times (and is : probably lurking somewhere on the site and I just didn't find it!) : : krazee Dear Krazee, well look on the bright side, if your hair does turn frog butt green, you will be ready for halloween :)) But seriously if your tests have come out well you most likely have nothing to worry about. I have hennaed over dyed/then bleached/ then a change of mind to dark/ to another change of mind to light (yes more bleach) until I finally came to my senses and stopped! Then I hennaed and my hair is in great shape, if you can believe it after all that. My only problem was that the bleached part really took to the henna, where as my naturally dark brown hair and root line turned a lovely dark auburn, so I was quite bright there for a few days, quite blinding in the sun because the henna imparts such a shine to your hair. But after the first 4 days the color darkened. Also I have been using henna indigo mixes to bring the bleached color down to a dull roar, and its working out great. I now have a darkish red with not such a noticable root line, its looking more natural all the time as I get the color a bit darker. So if I can henna over all that, Im guessing you will be safe, but Im new at this, so Im just telling you how it affected my hair. I don't think I have read a post yet, where someone didnt like the results. Hope this helps a bit... Valerie
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