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Posted by Diane on October 2, 2004 at 09:29:06:

In reply to: TIRED OF BROWN SHOULDERS posted by Hasprida on September 29, 2004 at 08:29:07:

: What am I doing wrong:
: I'm using Light Mountain Henna.
: I put it on over night, rinse it out for 15 - 20 minutes the next
: Shampoo then,
: I moisturize with a light oil.
: Results: Beautiful glossy hair...that continues to ruin my pillow
cases and
: every light shirt I own. I was told that it is ok to use natural
oils on hennaed
: hair (no mineral oil) I'm not sure if this is what is causing it to
come off on my
: clothes. If it is the oil, then as much as I love henna I'm just
going to have to
: stop using it because my hair is entirely too dry for me not to oil
: All help and wisdom is appreciated.

Coming to this late in the day I know, also haven't scanned all the
other responses but...
I use jojoba, coconut oil, shea butter and other natural oil
treatments on my hennaed, naturally curly hair, on a regular basis,
and I have never had colour coming off on clothes, skin, towels or

Now, there is a bit of ongoing debate about whether oily treatments
can remove henna, with the experts concluding that NOTHING is capable
of removing henna as it is permanently bound with the hair's keratin
molecules. However, my hair is quite porous and tends to lose the
colour intensity quite quickly (I am talking about fading; not
growing out of colour at the roots) I can't help but think that
naturally dry porous hair has a more open cuticle and allows some of
the dye to dislodge with washing and treatments...this is NOT to say
that it removes the dye to any great extent, but it does fade fast.

However, it NEVER comes off onto clothes or skin; you don't say how
long after hennaing this continues? My only suggestion is that
perhaps you aren't rinsing thoroughly and some of the henna is still
in your hair for a few days or more,(especially if you don't wash
your hair every day?) which would be very effectively removed with
the oils. If you have curly or thick hair, its REALLY hard to rinse
out all the henna and has to be done over and over ad
infinitum...sometimes on day 2 after henna I do still see orange
drips after the shower, but usually I RINSE RINSE RINSE after I henna
and get it all out on the first go; but I can't overstate the need to
really rinse thoroughly (try getting into the bath to get the first
sticky bulk of it out before the shower; the bathwater turns a lovely
black coffee colour but its too dilute to colour your skin; then
under the shower for ages to get all the rest out.)
Hope this helps!


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