Grape Juice

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Posted by Dionne on December 19, 2004 at 14:28:59:

In reply to: henna mix with grape juice or wine? posted by prairiechild on December 13, 2004 at 14:28:01:

I use red grape juice in my mix..
I used red wine onece.. it smelled awful and made no difference to
the colour.
I couldn't really say if the red grape juice makes any difference to
the colour or not, but I wouldn't think it would.
I mix my henna powder with about a third each, of lemon juice, red
grape juice and water (with a splash of strwaberry, kiwi & hibiscus
tea, to get a good consistency, aftre it's stood overnight).

My first henna was on top of chemically coloured blonde hair. I
left the mix on my head for 7 or 8 hours. According to my strand
tests, if I'd have only left it on for a couple of hours, it would
have been bright orange! I got a nice coppery auburn colour (in the
mixes section, under 'Dionnes Mix').
I've hennaed about 5 or 6 times now and my hair's a darker auburny
red colour (the photo I've attached was taken as soon as I'd
hennaed, and is from a couple of hennas ago, so my hair's a bit
darker than that now), which I love :o)
I still leave it on my head for around 5 hours though.

I'd definitely recommend leaving your henna mix on for well over an

: Hi,
: I am going to henna my hair this Wed. and have a couple of
: I plan to use Fia's mix (with Catherine's henna), the one where
: cook pectin and add to henna that has been sitting out overnight.
: am blonde and have already done the pretest which was a flaming
: orange. I don't want that color! So I have walnut powder to add
: also was planning to add merlot to make the color "more chestnut".
: would be happy with chestnut, auburn or copper colored hair. I
: have citric acid, cloves and cinnamon and will probably add a
: teaspoon of each. I am going to take this to my new hairdresser
: have him apply and then sit under heat for at least an hour.
: My questions:
: Can I use grapejuice instead of red wine to get the same color
: results? I think the wine is stinky and I'm not crazy about
: on my hair.
: Anybody know the ph of grapejuice or wine? Is it OK just to throw
: a teaspoon of citric acid and hope it's what it needs?
: Do you think an hour is long enough if I have heat on it? I need
: have my hair trimmed and thinned a bit afterwards so I can't go
: and leave it on for hours.
: Thank You!!!


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