Re: Walnut powder question

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Posted by Debra on January 10, 2005 at 16:14:27:

In reply to: Re: Walnut powder posted by Dayse on January 10, 2005 at 15:46:59:

I ordered Walnut powder from Castle Art and it doesn't seem to do much
to override the henna red in my hair. I am not sure if it is a bad
batch or my hair just doesn't take it well. I used 60/40 henna and
walnut. At 100% walnut powder it also doesn't even stain my skin.

If you google search walnut powder there are many sources on the web
to dye everything from leather to baskets and even gardening supply
houses that sell in 25lb bags to get rid of ants. I am tempted to try
some of them but not sure what they would do to my hair.

I also would be very interested if anyone knows more about this stuff.
I have read lots on the web but there is not a lot of details or
testimonials on how it works on hair.

Catherine said once that she doesn't carry it because she doesn't know
a good/fresh source. Catherine, what makes a good source? What
should one look for? Are there any dangers other than nut allergies?


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