I have curly hair, and ...
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Posted by Kim in MI on January 22, 2005 at 11:14:22:
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Have others noticed a relaxing effect of henna on their curls? posted by
Cindy on January 13, 2005 at 20:22:11:

I have fine, naturally curly hair. I do not think it has relaxed my curls at all. If
anything, they have been "more well behaved" :-)
: I have wavy hair and generally strive for curlier hair...will the
: henna take the wave out that I have?
: : I also have fine, naturally curly hair. Even though I blow dry it
: : smooth, I still rely on its having some curl and bend. The henna does
: : indeed have a relaxing effect on it. I also noticed some limpness,
: : depending on what products (shampoo, conditioner) I used.
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