Re: Various amla questions

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Posted by Cindy on February 1, 2005 at 11:32:21:

In reply to: Various amla questions posted by RainbowVanessa on January 31, 2005 at 00:36:34:

I like an Amla/Cassia 50-50 mix on the length of my hair when I henna
the roots (if I have any henna mix left from the roots, I add that
too). I apply it for the last hour of mud-on-the-hair time.

I haven't noticed any color change, but I do feel like it makes my
wavy hair a little wavier.

My boyfriend has dark hair with wonderful gray temples and I'm trying
to get him to let me Amla him so I can see if it silvers the gray soon as I wear him down, I'll let you know how it goes :)

: Hey there!
: I don't know how many of you have used Amla, but perhaps you could
: give me some imput. I have dirty blond fine hair, which is basically
: straight, maybe slightly wavy, and takes curl easily. It was blonder
: and wavier when I was a child. I'd like to find a natural way of
: getting large, loose waves, if a natural way exists as opposed to
: getting a body wave perm, and amla sounds promising. However I'm
: afraid it will also darken my hair, and make it browner, which is
: opposite of what I'd ideally like to achieve. I certainly don't want
: to LOSE any of my blond. So how brown will it make my hair, and if
: does darken it, is there something I can do to it to prevent dye
: release but keep the curling properties, like cook it or oxidize it
: somehow? If you have hair like mine, will it even help to make it
: in the first place? And since I'd like to use Cassia obovata to
: condition it, do you think they will interfere and do something
: or cancel each other's benefits? What about if I lighten my hair
: highlights - would it have weird reactions with the dye?
: Anything you might know would be helpful!
: Thanks in advance!


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