more questions about grey coverage

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Posted by vi on August 19, 2004 at 14:51:04:

Im new to your site, found it really helpful though my 'problem'
remains unsolved. Ive got 100% silver/grey hair (used to be dark
brown way back when..) Im allergic to all the commercial stuff out
there so ive been using henna for many years. The brand is light
mountain natural - cover the grey. Fine it does, but ive been using
the Red shade and want to go different, maybe a darker or lighter
honey brown. I find that the red is too copperery for me (im not a
spring chick) Ive been experimenting with adding more LMN shades like
dark brown/brown umber to the red to tone it down, with not much
luck. If i try any brown by itself my roots and red hair turn either
greeny/grey or no change. At this point i feel like i have a science
lab each month when the dreaded silver roots show up (they are really
noticeable too cos of the red!). Ive tried Logona too, the brown
shades even the black with works but is scary dark on the red and
green on the roots. I dont want red hair anymore! Thankfully my
hair is short (super-short) but im reluctant to cut all the red out
cos ill look my someone's grannie untill i color again. Vanity is a
problem as you can see. I understand that LMN color the grey is Two
steps (pain in the butt too) the first is the base 'red' henna then
step two is the compound henna, be it red/brown/black or a mix of
all. would it be better to go straigt to step two? Anyone else had
success with 100%silver hair that doesnt turn red?


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