Re: New here and hoping to try but confused!

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Posted by krazee on December 14, 2004 at 21:00:36:

In reply to: New here and hoping to try but confused! posted by Traci on December 14, 2004 at 18:09:47:

I would recommend using 300gm of henna...any leftovers can safely be
frozed until you want to thaw and use.

I would add a 50% water/lemon juice mix...I've found that lemon juice
is VERY irritating to the scalp. Add enough to get your paste to a
yogurt like consistency.

I can't help with the paprika, but I add cloves directly to the mix
while awaiting dye release.

I mix mine in a plastic bowl with a lid. I cover the paste with
plastic wrap that is in direct contact with the surface. I then put a
paper towel on the wrap with the clove container on that. The plastic
lid to the bowl holds the clove container in direct contact with the
towel, which is in direct contact with the wrap. When the dye is
released, the paper towel will begin to turn orange. Alternatively,
I've read of people waiting for release with paste in a ziploc baggy
which they put on a paper towel for the same effect. In a fairly warm
kitchen (or in a sealed oven turned off) I find I have dye release in
about 2-3 hours.

I kept my first henna on overnight. It came out bright and more than
a little orange (but not bright orange!). It cooled after 3 days. I
have been redoing my whole head to get the roots every 2-3 weeks as my
hair grows fast. I stopped seeing any further changes in the color
after the 3rd session. It got redder and deeper with each session.

I also hennaed my hair after using permanent L'oreal dye for 2 years.
I waited about 1.5 months and did 4 strand tests to finalize the
color I wanted. I didn't have any problems at all and LOVE the henna!!!!

Good luck and remember kitchen science should be FUN!!!



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