depends on the crop

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Posted by Catherine Cartwright-Jones on January 2, 2005 at 09:05:55:

In reply to: Henna from Yemen or India? posted by Sara on January 2, 2005 at 00:54:39:

I rotate henna crops at Mehandi, getting the best crop I can from
whatever country is producing it, therefore I don't put it on the
site. Its a bit like "house wine" at a restraunt. I get the best I
possibly can, but keep the price down by not labeling.

I have a little Yemen henna left, and in about 2 weeks I"ll be on an
Indian crop.

What you've heard about one henna or another giving one color or
another is ... well... not complete hogwash, but is partial hogwash.
Henna has one dye molecule. One. Lawsone. Its red-orange, and in
high saturations, will oxidize considerably darker. The amount of dye
in a henna determines the eventual color in the hair ... but that is
coupled with many other factors. Such as:

1) what was the weather like when this crop was coming along? The
same henna bush in 5 countries will produce different levels of
lawsone depending on the weather at the time. Last summer's weather
systems favored India and Pakistan's henna. There was a great Yemen
crop before that.

2) how was the henna stored? If your importer didn't take care of the
henna, even the best henna is going to lose quality.

3) was it body art quality henna, or was it second quality? I sell
only body art quality henna with the very highest lawsone level I can get.

So ......... if you get henna from me, you'll get the higest levels of
lawsone I can lay my hands on, that's been kept well sealed, in a
sheltered location. The other suppliers in the suppliers page are the
same. If they're not on the suppliers list here .... there's a reason!


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