Re: henna and indigo - help...

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Posted by Debra on January 20, 2005 at 02:30:27:

In reply to: henna and indigo - help... posted by pen on January 19, 2005 at 21:01:10:

Okay I'll answer you so you'll stop posting the same message. Only

I used 60% henna/40% indigo over medium brown hair with bleached
highlights and a bit of grey. Even after multiple times there is
still a difference in the color but it is very slight. Henna and
indigo are translucent so however thick the keratin in my hair is and
how much it holds there will always be a difference between brown and
blond/white hair. Now I maintain with mostly henna as it grows out
because indigo was building up and making my hair too dark.

I couldn't do just the blond highlights because they were interspersed
all over my head. My one worry for your method is that indigo makes
the red of the henna much cooler, so if you used just henna on the
rest you would have a warm/cool difference if that makes sense. Could
be a good thing or maybe not too noticeable if your hair is dark enough.

At least with Catherine's indigo, you mix it separately with warm
water 10-15 minutes and combine with the dye-released henna paste just
before application. Indigo stops working after about 60-90 minutes on
its own and I don't think the acid in the henna paste does it any
favors. Any extra time on your head is for the henna saturation.

I never tried indigo after henna. I would be afraid to miss time it
and get black.

Hope that helps.


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