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Posted by Elettaria on March 13, 2004 at 15:15:18:

In reply to: Re: aha posted by Fia on March 13, 2004 at 10:41:09:

I suspected it was for shorter hair, but I was dying to try it and I
didn't want to take any risks. It's not made a huge amount of
difference: I mean, my hair's looking nice, but I'm not sure it's
better than it usually is after it's been washed, especially since I
did a cold herb/vinegar rinse at the end (I usually chicken out of cold).

Tell you something odd, most of my hair's the same colour as before
but I think it might have deepened the colour of the ends, which are
still red from when I hennaed four years ago.

The shop had quite a variety of hennas and told me this was the best
one, body art quality. I've forgotten the name and can't be bothered
to go into the bathroom to check!

Glad to hear this method isn't permanent even if I do overdo it and
end up with some colour. The woman in the shop told me henna wasn't
permanent at all. I just looked at her and told her I still have red
ends from hennaing four years ago, it seems pretty permanent to me.
The first henna doesn't seem to stick as much as later ones, though, I
have two-tone ends: mostly pretty red, then a more muted, coppery
stage for about an inch before it goes back to my natural colour.

Thanks for all your advice, by the way. Can we continue this
conversation at the thread I started near the top?


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