Henna didn't really work, puzzledPosted by Elettaria on June 6, 2004 at 06:38:43: OK, so we did a hairbrush test, leaving it on for 3 hours. It seemedto work. We tried rehennaing the same sample for another three hours, and there wasn't an appreciable difference; three hours seemed to have done the trick. As a result, the strand test we tried last night was left on for three hours. But it doesn't really seem to have made much difference. Dark brown hair with six month old auburn on the top layer. We'll try again, maybe tomorrow. How long do you reckon we should leave it on for this time? I'm thinking of going over the old strand and doing a new one, so that if we leave it on for, say, five hours, we get to see five hours' worth on the new strand and eight on the strand we hennaed last night. Does that sound reasonable?
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