Re: Color blonde hairPosted by Fia on February 7, 2004 at 12:37:34: In reply to: Color blonde hair posted by Patrycja Pruszynska on February 7, 2004 at 01:45:48: First one thing - beware of what's called "black henna". If you are lucky it is henna andindigo or some other type of herbal colorant. If you are unlucky it's henna mixed with regular hair color (PPD). You can get black by using henna + indigo - see the link to Gwyneddh's hair on the Mixes page on this site. As for matching the color you have in there now that's a tricky question... If you are a light blonde pure henna will give you a fiery red tone on your natural hair. It sounds as if this would be different from the reddish black you have in there now. You could perhaps try adding small amounts of indigo to the henna to push it towards a darker color (too much and I guess you would end up with black like if you use indigo over henna). You could also try to mix the henna paste to turn it more towards reddish brown - see at the very bottom of "Fia's henna mixes" on the Mixes page. I used henna over regular hair color after about 3-4 months without any problems. Do a strand test on hair you collect from your comb or hairbrush and test on those - both to see what color your mix will give you and to make sure you have no adverse reactions from the henna and the old chemical color. /Fia
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